The life sciences is transforming into a data-intensive discipline with high demands on e-infrastructure. Cloud computing has opened up new avenues for getting access to compute resources, but also for provisioning and integrating geographically distributed data, and complying with the FAIR principles that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. In this presentation I will cover the ongoing work and strategies at Science for Life Laboratory ( for taking advantage of cloud resources in data-intensive bioinformatics, and also describe some of the ongoing work in my research group on microservices, scientific workflows, and Apache Spark to deliver scalable virtual research environments within the European cloud-based e-infrastructure landscape, promoting collaborative and reproducible science.
Ola Spjuth
Docent in Bioinformatics and Associate Professor at Uppsala University. Research area is data-intensive and translational bioinformatics with a particular focus on how modern e-infrastructures enables the studying of complex phenomena, and in particular predictive modeling in drug discovery. Co-director at the UPPMAX high-performance computing center at Uppsala University, and heading the Bioinformatics Compute and Storage Facility at Science for Life Laboratory in Sweden.